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Graham Davey

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Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Assault Squad

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have more reinforcements for the Algoryn – the AI Assault Squad: As well as Mag Repeaters, Algoryn Assault AI are equipped with forearm mounted distort and plasma shell projectors called Distort Spinners or D-Spinners for short. The projectors hurl small spinning discs – distort shells which disrupt the space around…

English Civil Wars, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War, Work in Progress

Work-in-Progress: Pike & Shotte Command Models

12 Days of Christmas – Day 11 For our penultimate Christmas treat we have some just-sculpted shots of these Pike & Shotte command groups. With our next supplement to be released being The Devil’s Playground, covering the Thirty Years War, Warlord sculptor Wojtek (yes, he is Polish, now you mention it…) has been slaving away on several…