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Graham Davey

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Finnish, Latest Products

New: Finnish anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns

Finnish armies gain some welcome firepower this week with the arrival of these two German-supplied guns – the Finnish 75 PSTK/40 anti-tank gun and the Finnish 20 ITK/38 anti-aircraft gun. After encountering T-34 and KV-1 tanks, the Finns realized that heavier anti-tank equipment would be required. A total of 210 German 75mm PaK 40 Guns were purchased, capable of…

Hail Caesar, Latest Products, Macedonian

New: Thureophoroi Peltasts

Out today are Thureophoroi Peltasts, and Thureophoroi Peltast command for Greek, Macedonian and Hellenstic armies. Mercenary troops formed a significant role in Hellenistic armies and hired soldiers often served as garrison troops or wherever a permanent military presence was needed. During the third century BC these troops are often referred to simply as mercenaries, but when they are called…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Work in Progress

Preview: Prussian High Command – Blucher, Gneisenau and von Zeiten

12 Days of Christmas – Day 7 Our next 12 Days of Christmas present is a first look at this beautifully sculpted set depicting the Prussian High Command during the 100 Days campaign leading up to the battle of Waterloo. Field Marshal von Blücher. General August von Gneisenau, Blücher’s chief of staff. Marshal Friedrich Karl von Zeiten….

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Ostfront, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Rules: Vasily Zaitzev – Legendary Sniper

12 Days of Christmas – Day 6 Today’s surprise is an extract from the forthcoming Bolt Action Theatre Book – Ostfront: Barbarossa to Berlin.   ‘For us there was no land beyond the Volga.’ Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitzev first distinguished himself during the battle of Stalingrad as a superb sniper. He killed 225…