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Graham Davey

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Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Squad, X-Launcher, Plasma Cannon and Targeter Probes

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have reinforcements for the Algoryn Prosperate – the Armoured Infantry squad as well as X-Launcher and Plasma Cannon teams, and Targeter Probes: The Algoryn are a proud warrior race confronted on all sides by merciless and powerful enemies. Every aspect of their society is geared towards…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: KGL 2nd Light Battalion

Out today for Napoleonic British armies we have two King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion packs – one armed with muskets and the other with rifles: View in Store View in Store The King’s German Legion (KGL) was a British Army unit of expatriate German personnel, known for its excellent discipline and fighting ability. The Legion was formed within months of the…