All posts by

Graham Davey

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Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part I – Prelude to War!

Welcome to the Bolt Action Staging Grounds! – Grab a mess-tin and take a knee. After the success of our Pacific campaign, the Warlord staff gamers are back and they’ve brought a few friends along for the ride. This time, it’s war – with a sidedish brimming with big dirty, tread-based hardcore tank action. In…

Hail Caesar, Latest Products, Roman

New: Plastic Romans from Victrix

Just in – three new boxed sets from Victrix containing their highly detailed Roman Legionaries and Italian allies. Contains 60 Republican Roman legionaries wearing chainmail, and light infantry skirmishers. View in Store Contains 60 Republican Roman legionaries wearing square pectoral armour, and light infantry skirmishers. View in Store Contains 60 Republican Roman Italian allied legionaries…

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar, Latest Products

New: Egyptian Chariots

Ride forth against the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh with these Egyptian Chariots: Early New Kingdom Egyptian, 2-horse, 2-crew Light Chariot, (with 4-spoked wheels), a Driver, Armoured Archer and optional Commander or Pharaoh. This chariot can be used for the native Egyptian armies of the 17th and early 18th Dynasties including those of Thutmoses…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Plastic Late French Light Infantry

Our latest Napoleonic boxed set arrives today – the Late French Light Infantry, containing 30 of our superb plastic infantrymen and 6 metal command figures: Not all of Napoleon’s troops could make it through to the Guard, lifting themselves from the obscurity of the Line regiments, but the soldiers of Bonaparte’s Light infantry regiments  believed…