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Graham Davey

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Platoon Guide: M4 Sherman Medium Tank

History The mainstay of the Allied armies, the Sherman was one of the most versatile tanks during the war, from the fields of Europe to the jungles of the Pacific. The M4 Sherman was produced by the thousand in the automotive factories of Detroit, and became a platform for countless variants as the way developed…

Events, Painting & Modelling, Warlord Games Day

Games Day: Painting Competition Winners part 1

At our recent Warlord Games Day we held our inaugural painting competition, complete with grand prize of a rather special replica cavalry sword. As promised, here are the winners, and our favourites from the rest of the entries, for the first three categories. Single Miniature Winner – Darren Linington Single Miniature – Steve Perry Single Miniature – Steve Kemp Single Miniature – Jez…