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Graham Davey

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Webstore: Macedonian Companion Cavalry

Alexander The Great fought wars of conquest from the shores of Anatolia to the foothills of the Himalayas. As King of Macedonia he defeated his fellow Greeks before invading and overthrowing the old Persian Empire. In the east he led his armies against the Scythian horsemen of the steppes and the mighty rulers of India….


Webstore: Soldiers of God

‘Soldiers of God’ is a full battle game, utilizing units of between 8-16 models (cavalry is 4-8 models), in either small fast moving Raids, Field Battles (the standard line-up and fight) or Siege Assaults (one sides gets the castle walls to defend, the other attacks it). It is card-driven, using an action card deck (52…


Webstore: M21 Mortar Carrier Half-track

Bringing support fire to your mobile forces with the M21 Mortar carrier, ideal for winkling out those dug in infantry! By the middle of the war the US Army could field legions of tanks and support vehicles, backed by the industrial might of the USA. Using their reliable M3 Half-track as a basis, they created the…


Webstore: 3 x Mature Winter Firs

DEVELOPED FOR WARGAMES… each 4Ground Fir Woodlands pack comes with enough double sided pre-primed scenic tree basing for all of the trees in the pack. The individual trees can tehn be glued to their individual round bases that in turn neatly locate within their collective woodland base. This has two helpfull advantages, allowing you to…


Webstore: German Army Builder

Build your army from the selections available to you in the drop down boxes, make sure you choose your free tank too. This army gives you all the models you need for getting started in Bolt Action with an army from Germany or alternatively will get you started with a new army at a fabulous…