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Graham Davey

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Bolt Action, Events

Event Report: Bolt Action Boot Camp

Last weekend the Beasts of War crew hosted their awesome Bolt Action Boot Camp event in Ireland. We sent Bolt Action writer Alessio Cavatore along to join in the fun, and by all accounts the three days were a great success. The participants assembled and painted their armies, before fighting some huge battles across these…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, News & Announcements

Prize Draw: La Haye Sainte Collector’s Edition – Winner!

Every order on our webstore during May was entered into the draw to win ‘Farmhouse Assault’ La Haye Sainte Collector’s Edition. This massive battle set contains all the buildings that formed the farmhouse courtyard, as well as 162 models representing the two sides that fought here during the Battle of Waterloo. The lucky winner is Alex Dawson…