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Graham Davey

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Webstore: Pike & Shotte Cavalry plastic boxed set

The 17th Century saw large standing armies in action all over Europe, in numbers previously undreamt of, and huge numbers of infantry, artillery and cavalry were raised. The cavalry of the period were mostly of the heavy variety; big horses that could barge other enemy cavalry and intimidate infantry, while carrying a determined rider protected…


Webstore: Pike & Shotte Ordnance Battery

It was a rare thing for a general in the 17th Century to take to the field without an artillery train to intimidate and pulverise the enemy lines. These cannon and mortars were terrifying weapons, belching smoke and flames with a frightening roar that no simple country lad was likely to have heard before. The…


Webstore: Napoleonic Portuguese Line Infantry

The Portuguese have never been fond of their Spanish neighbours. This was doubly so when in 1807 Napoleon sent a large French and Spanish army across the border to crush Portugal and take its fleet to continue their war against the detested British. Great Britain and Portugal, however, had been old allies for countless years,…


USMC Island Assault Force 1500pt

Two special Battalions, designated by order of the president as USMC Raiders, were formed in 1942 – hand-picked, well trained, and highly motivated – they were well prepared when they first entered the fray on Makin Island at the start of the Solomons campaign and developed tactics and systems that were to shape the US…


Salute pre-orders close on Sunday

Just a few days left to get in your orders to pick up at the Salute Remember that everyone who places an order to be picked up at the show will also receive a free Boromite model. And that’s not all! You will also be entered into the draw to win a complete set of…