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Graham Davey

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Webstore: German Grenadiers Starter Army

  Suggested Army List;  1 Lieutenant and 2 Riflemen* (70pts).  10 man squad of regular German Grenadiers* (2x SMG, 1x LMG, 4x panzerfaust). 146pts. 10 man squad of Veteran German Grenadiers* (10x Assault rifles, 4x panzerfaust). 200pts. 10 man squad of Veteran German Grenadiers* (2x LMG, 3x SMG, 2x panzerfaust). 189pts. Stug III Ausf G…


Webstore: Wars of Religion Infantry Regiment

The 16th Century was a period of conflict and discovery. All across Europe armies were formed to extend Empires and consolidate power. At the forefront was the might of the Spanish Empire which had developed the Tercio as a battlefield formation used to devastating effect. Pike blocks held the balance of power, often consisting of…


Webstore: French Chasseurs a Cheval

Formed originally back in 1743, the Chasseurs à Cheval (mounted hunters) were hard riding, green clad light cavalry whose main role was patrolling and raiding for the French armies. A good Chasseur was at home on his light horse, skirmishing with the enemy cavalry or scouting enemy movements and thus providing valuable intelligence for their…


Webstore: French Chasseurs a Cheval Brigade (2 boxes)

Formed originally back in 1743, the Chasseurs à Cheval (mounted hunters) were hard riding, green clad light cavalry whose main role was patrolling and raiding for the French armies. A good Chasseur was at home on his light horse, skirmishing with the enemy cavalry or scouting enemy movements and thus providing valuable intelligence for their…