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Graham Davey

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Webstore: Ottoman Janissary Command B

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and…


Webstore: Ottoman Janissary Command A

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and…


Webstore: US Paratrooper Squad

St.Mere Eglise. Carentan. Nijmegen. Bastogne. Actions that stir the blood and conjure images of highly-trained US paratroopers punching holes in the German lines in Normandy and later holding off overwhelming opposition in the Ardennes. These US Airborne models are ideal to represent the 101st ‘Screaming Eagles’, 82nd ‘All American’, or the 17th ‘Thunder from Heaven’…


Webstore: Merrills Marauders Squad

In 1943 the US high command raised a unit to rival the famous British Chindits, men who were to take the war to the Japanese behind their lines. They were officially called 5307 Composite Unit but, under their tough and charismatic leader – Brigadier General Frank Merrill – soon earned their famous name. These hard-marching, tough…