All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

Gallery: Bolt Action Blitzkrieg German Range

The German army (the ‘Heer’) utilised revolutionary Blitzkrieg tactics and equipment to conquer huge swathes of Europe during the Early War period. Check out a portion of German Blitzkrieg range here: Blitzkrieg German HQ (1939-42)   View in Store Blitzkrieg German MG34 MMG team (1939-42)   View in Store Blitzkrieg German Medium Mortar Team (1939-42)…

News & Announcements

Black Friday Sale – Sprue Sale

View Sprue Collection With Black Friday on the horizon (and the Christmas holidays hot on its heels) it’s time to take advantage of our special deals! Up to 33% off selected plastic sprues from this collection! All remaining sprues are now available till Monday 11:00AM GMT – whilst stocks last! Limited number available – no more…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Italian Stuart-T Tesla Tank

Armed with the terrifying Tesla Cannon, the new lend-lease Stuart-T will prove invaluable for the Italian forces. View in Store Italy’s demands for armoured vehicles was both passionate and excessive, but the Allies quickly recognised that if they were to release forces from Italy, they needed to arm the Italians. Numerous M3 Stuarts were available…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Italian Falco Paratroopers

Armed with Axis Rift tech, the new Italian Falco Paratroopers aim to take control over Italy for the National Republican Army (ENR). View in Store The flamboyant and well-trained paratroopers of the Italian army largely sided with the National Republican Army (ENR) when they were forced to choose a side in the Italian campaign. Whilst…