All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Hail Caesar, Latest Products, SAGA

New: Saxon Huscarls

Ready to fight and die beside their king, the new Saxon King Huscarls are loyal to the very core. Saxon Huscarls A View in Store Armed with spears, round and kite shields, the Huscarls are usually the personal retinue of the king and are made up of venerable warriors and personal friends of the king….

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Latest Products

Char B1 bis

Facing the German blitzkrieg head-on. The new Char B1 Bis stands ready to defend France. View in Store Upgrading the Char B1, the Char B1 bis had thicker armour and an APX4 turret with a longer-barrelled (L/32) 47 mm SA 35 gun, giving it more anti-tank capacity alongside the 75mm hull-mounted howitzer. French experiences during…