All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Latest Products, terrain

New: Bocage Field Kits

Bocage sets have always been one of our favourite pieces of terrain to fight across here at Warlord and War World Scenics have produced 6 fabulous kits for us, combining quality resin with a variety of different foliage materials to allowing you to easily create your own bocage filled battlefields!   In Normandy, the Bocage acquired…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Ghar Outcast Rebels, Latest Products

New: Outcast Rebel Commander in Battle Armour

One of Fartok’s many Lieutenants, the new Outcast Rebel commander is outfitted in battle armour, equipped with the awesomely destructive Scourer Cannon and deadly Claw… View in Store The Outcast Rebels have been driven deep into the depths of Antarean space by the forces of the Ghar Empire, and everywhere the brave rebels are forced to…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Japanese Infantry with compression rifles + Japanese Assault Exo skeleton squad

With Rift weaponry becoming a common sight, the Japanese have sought to push their new compression rifles and Japanese Assault Exo skeleton squad onto the field! Japanese Infantry with compression rifles View in Store Using both disposable and rechargeable power-packs that capitalise on Japan’s other significant Rift-tech advance in battery technology; the compression rifle can…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic Waterloo campaign starter armies

European tension grows as Napoleon marches through unhindered, England and her allies have mustered everything they have to end Napoleon’s reign…finish it with the new Napoleonic Waterloo campaign starter armies! British Waterloo campaign starter army View in Store 72 Plastic and metal British Line infantry in Belgic Shakos 24 Plastic and metal Hanoverian infantry 12…