All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Latest Products

New: Pickett-Hamilton Disappearing Pillbox

Call it magic or mechanical mastery the new Pickett-Hamilton Disappearing Pillbox will certainly surprise your enemy. View in Store A concrete tube sunk into a pit in the middle of an airfield, the disappearing pillbox earned its name by being flush with the ground when lowered. However, should German gliders or transport planes attempt to…

Italian Wars, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte

New: Kaiser Maximillian I (Young & Old) + Götz von Berlichingen & Georg von Frundsberg

Kaiser Maximillian I, also known as Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, is ready to lead his armies across Europe with Götz von Berlichingen and Georg von Frundsberg by his side. Kaiser Maximillian I (Young & Old) View in Store Waging war against France and within Italy, Maximillian hired sleuths of Landsknechts. Maximillian was keen to…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: German Heavy Sniper Team

With all the new armoured machines and genetic creatures walking the war-torn world, Germany has stepped up its Anti-Tank game with the new German Heavy Sniper Team: View in Store With the advent of heavy armour and light walkers on the battlefield, the role and relevance of heavy anti-tank rifles have been revised. Never intended…