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Josh Berridge

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Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Bruin Support Walker

The new Bruin support walker entrenches and releases an unrelenting barrage! View in Store The Grizzly works well in most situations but when it comes to heavy defences, or when confronted by heavier tanks and walkers, you’ll be wanting some heavy rocket firepower… In response, the versatility of the Grizzly’s fists was sacrificed for heavy…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Jackal Walker

The new agile Jackal drops into battle, ready to bring the fight to the enemy front lines! View in Store This box contains: Enough resin and metal to create one Jackal A breakthrough in the power of repulsor pods led to first the Jackal and then the Mudskipper walkers, built to keep up with fast moving…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Operation Sea Lion Scenario: The Filthy Fifth

Here’s a quick snippet of what sort of scenarios to expect from the upcoming Campaign: Sea Lion book! Introduction The Royal Tank Regiments traced their pedigree back to the original Royal Armoured Corps. They tended to recruit officers from educated middle class young men with an aptitude for machinery and who lived on their salaries…