All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Bolt Action Scenario: Hell’s Highway Son’s Bridge

Try this awesome scenario that Martin MacKay sent in to us! Even the hardiest of soldiers don’t dare to cross Hell’s Highway: Son Bridge! Historical Context September 17, 1944: Operation Market Garden, 101st Airborne – The 506th PIR had to capture the bridge over the Wilhelmina canal at Son and move further south to Eindhoven…

Focus, Uniforms & History

Casualties in Wargaming

Chris Brown is here again to teach us all about the accuracy of casualties within wargames by comparing reality to dice results…  Wargames casualty rates are almost invariably horrendous. In a real battle it may happen that an entire squad is wiped out by a shell, a mine or a particularly well-aimed burst of machine…

Events, News & Announcements

Event: Adepticon!

Fifteen years ago the first AdeptiCon crashed onto the scene with the clear goal that it would be an event everyone would want to attend. AdeptiCon is a fantastic opportunity to play games you have been wanting to but “just can’t find the time” or have the miniatures to do it right. Over the years,…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Polish, Bolt Action - Soviet, Bolt Action - US, Community, Painting & Modelling

Gallery of Awesomeness – Bolt Action

Warlorder JoshB has been on a mission to find some of the awesome miniatures that have recently been seen on the Warlord Forum, Bolt Action and Bolt Action International Facebook pages. This mighty KV-2 came from Bartosz Smogur from the Bolt Action International Facebook page, that weathering is amazing! Sharp example of Camo! By IndigoStickman from the Forum….

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Black Powder, Hail Caesar, News & Announcements, Outdated, Pike & Shotte

‘Spring’ into a new game and get a FREE plastic set!

Winter has withered away and greenery is blooming – much like your new-to-be army in a different game system! Haven’t you always just looked at the Romans and just thought ‘they look awesome’ and wanted to get a box but worried about the rules? Have you looked at the sparkly white Ghar battle suits and…