All posts by

Josh Berridge

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Frostgrave, Latest Products

New: Frostgrave Folio – Supplement!

Collecting nearly two years’ worth of Frostgrave material, this collection is a necessary addition to any wizard’s library. View in Store The Frostgrave Folio is the complete collection of all previously released Frostgrave mini-ebook supplements in one printed volume. This includes Hunt for the Golem, a three-scenario campaign in which the warbands hunt down a…

Bolt Action, Uniforms & History

Ranges in Bolt Action

Chris Brown schools all of us about actual effective rifle range and their transaction in Bolt Action. Wargamers are obsessed with ranges, or rather they are obsessed with the theoretical performance of weapons and vehicles. Taking the common-or-garden Bolt Action rifle as an example, it’s not uncommon to hear wargamers complain that their soldiers cannot…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Daughters of the Motherland!

Can’t let the men have all the glory! The new Daughters of the Motherland come crashing in guns blazing to Konflikt ’47! View in Store Using a low level of DNA enhancement through their Rift-tech programme, the Soviet Union has created an all-female, propaganda-driven elite unit. Combined with intensive training and indoctrination, the unit has…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Flammspinne Panzermech

Skittering over newly made rubble, the new flammspinne panzermech turns whole squads into cinders! View in Store Combing the agility of an infantryman with the armour and firepower of a heavily built armoured car, the Spinne (spider) is almost the perfect recce vehicle for close terrain and urban environment. The flamethrower is already a dangerous…