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Rich Dando

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News & Announcements

2015 – The Year in Review

Phew – We made it! Another year over – 2015 was another huge year for Warlord Games – with weekly releases covering all of our game systems – new supplements, new box sets, new army deals, masses upon masses of reinforcements, and even a whole new game added to the roster! With 2016 approaching, it’s…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Ghar, Work in Progress

Work-in-Progress: Fartok, Leader of the Outcast Revolt

12 Days of Christmas – Day 9 For day 9 of this year’s ’12 Days of Christmas’ preview series, we have something rather special for the forces of the Ghar Empire…. Ghar outcasts are snivelling, whining and cowardly creatures that wouldn’t hesitate to betray their comrades on the slightest chance of better treatment or remission of their punishment….

Bolt Action, Work in Progress

Preview: Konflikt 47

12 Days of Christmas – Day 6 It’s time for the sixth entry in this year’s ’12 Days of Christmas’ series of previews! You may have heard murmurings around the past year-or-so of a project called ‘Konflikt 47’ on which we’re working with Clockwork Goblin Miniatures. The project will include a standalone rulebook which will draw upon…