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Rich Dando

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Bolt Action, Videos

Community: Bolt Action video round-up!

Here at Warlord Games, we’re extremely proud of our community. With new players and hobbyists popping-up from all corners of the globe seemingly constantly we are always humbled by the level of creativity and friendliness that we see from our loyal supporters! Wherever we can, we love to reciprocate the enthusiasm by showcasing your work….

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Tank War Scenario: Wittman Strikes!

13th of June 1944. The Britsh have broken inland and are moving towards Caen. Armoured and mechanized elements of the 4th County of London Yeomanry (4CLY) and of the 1st Rifle Brigade, together with two Observation Post (OP) tanks of the 5th Royal Horse Artillery are advancing in column along the Route Nationale 175. Suddenly,…