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Rich Dando

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Italian Wars, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte

New: Landsknecht reinforcements have arrived!

This week sees further reinforcements arrive from our recently acquired range of Landsknechts from Pro Gloria Miniatures – we’re delighted to release the Handbüchse light gun, Arquebusiers, Street Entertainers, Civic Duty, and Market Day sets! First-up we have the Handbüchse (or ‘Hand Rifle’) – a potent support weapon used by the Landsknechts during sieges and against war wagons. View…

Events, Outdated

Event: Warlord Games Day USA 2015!

Following the huge success of last year’s inaugural Warlord Games Day USA, our ‘man across the pond,’ Jon Russell has been hard at work preparing for this year’s event – which promises to be bigger and better! There’ll be demo games available for all of our game systems, painted models and terrain boards on display,…