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Cruel Seas, Products

New: Fairmile D MGB 660

Prepare to add more ships to your fleet and rule the coastal waters with a new Fairmile D, MGB 660, for the Royal Navy!   View in Store The Fairmile company produced a mass production vessel, which had good seagoing qualities and was used also for mine laying. Their most famous boat was probably the Fairmile…

Cruel Seas, Products

New: German Siebel Ferry (2)

The Kriegsmarine will use any craft available to support the German armies advance, The Luftwaffe Siebel Ferry will prove vital to your forces victory!   View in Store The Siebel ferry Dubbed the Kleine fähre (small ferry) the Siebel ferry would prove it’s self a highly useful and adaptable vessel. Aircraft designer Fritz Siebel (A…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Gaming & Collecting, Official Updates & FAQs, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Overview: Raiders of Bronvar — A Free PDF Campaign Supplement

Written by regular contributor Adam Murton, Raiders of Bronvar is a narrative campaign supplement released in PDF Format: View in Store In the early days of Antares, Adam won a scenario competition with this series of linked scenarios; after being buried in the vaults of a lost orbital for aeons, the campaign has recently been rediscovered…

Blood Red Skies, Products

Falcon Squadron: Scourge of the Luftwaffe

Falcon Squadron: Scourge of the Luftwaffe – with Johnny Red Featuring the rogue British pilot and ACE Johnny Red in his stolen Hurricane alongside the rough and ready Soviet 5th air brigade squadron known as the ‘the Falcons’ View in Store Discharged from the RAF for striking a fellow officer Johnny Redburn joins the Merchant…

Cruel Seas, Gaming & Collecting

John’s Cruel Seas Workshop

Hey all and welcome aboard Mr Stallard’s Cruel Seas Workshop! It’s no surprise that our illustrious leader has been beavering away in his lunchtime hours and long winter evenings at his fabulous Cruel Seas collection… Hello Folks, We recently underwent a bit of renovation here in the office, not being one to throw away rather…