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Cruel Seas, Latest Products, Products

New: Kriegsmarine Marinefahrprahm F-lighter

Appearing from the harbour mouth glides the low-profile of the Kriegsmarine Marinefährprahm F-lighter, bristling with weapons to protect its Cruel Seas convoys…   View in Store The Marinefährprahm F-lighter Originally a converted tank landing craft that was being developed for the Kriegsmarine, The Marinefährprahm F-lighter was up armoured and equipped with the extremely accurate 88mm…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Fortress Budapest, Uniforms & History

Legends of Hungary: Major Edomer Tassonyi

Born on 6 October 1910 in Nagyláz, Hungary, Edömér Tassonyi joined the Royal Hungarian army in 1938, where he was commissioned as a junior Lieutenant in the newly formed Parachute Assault Regiment. He soon gained recognition from his men and superiors for demonstrating outstanding leadership. By October 1944 Major Tassonyi was the commanding officer of…

Askar, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products, Mercenaries

New: Gates Of Antares, Askar Mercenary Warriors

A race long thought extinct now reveals itself! The Askar – Mercenary Warriors, psychologically and physically specialised as fighters, now enter the Antarean arena as mercenaries for (almost) any force! View in Store Who are the Askar? The Askar of ancient times lived in hive-like cities called congregates with a number of sister-hives forming a…