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Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Aircraft Profile: P-51 Mustang

In this Aircraft Profile series, we’ll be looking at each of the aircraft released for Blood Red Skies, their history and their abilities in your games, continuing with the North American Aviation P-51 Mustang The introduction of the P-51 Mustang could be said to have changed the aspect of the air war in 1944. The…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: King Tiger-X with heavy rail gun

Germany has discovered new weapon technology within the rift messages. Now a new threat reveals itself on the battlefields of Konflikt’47 The King Tiger-X with heavy rail gun! View in Store King Tiger – X Whilst production of the Tiger II remains limited and has been further curtailed by resources diverted to the heavy panzermech…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Isorian Shard, Latest Products

New: Isorian Senatex Phase-shift projectors

Bolster your Isorian Senatex with these two new Phase-shift projectors. Isorian Andhak SC2 Medium Support Drone with Phase-shift Projector The Phase-shift projector is a specifically Isorian field engineering weapon. It is based on the Isorian phase-shift technology used in their armour, phase rifle and other devices, and has not been able to be replicated outside an Isorian…