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Black Powder, Events, Focus, Gaming & Collecting, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

Record-breaking Battle of Waterloo

Next year Warlord Games are participating in a record-breaking event to play the Worlds largest wargame – the Battle of Waterloo! The game will take place on the 15th and 16th June 2019 at University of Glasgow, Kelvin Gallery, using the award-winning Black ‘Powder rules. The Great Game is running in support of the…

Blood Red Skies, Products

New: Blood Red Skies Bombers and Transports

Air raid sirens are beginning to wail as the latest Blood Red Skies Bombers & Transport have been seen approaching from the East! Including Bristol Blenheim MkIV, Junkers JU-88A and JU-52, Liszunov Li-2 and Tupolev SB-2… Bristol Blenheim MkIV View in Store The Bristol Blenheim was originally developed from a design for a fast civil…

Products, Strontium Dog

New: Strontium Dog

Time was when a man could commit various acts of evil and hide from justice forever in an expanding galaxy! Times have changed! Today is the day of the…  Strontium Dog View in Store What is Strontium Dog? The setting is late in the 22nd century. Many survivors of the devastating Atomic Wars were mutated…


Store Highlight: Langden Games – Ipswich

Langden Games is Ipswich’s local games store and can be found on the first floor of 10 Tacket Street in Ipswich town centre. The store was started by friends Matt and Rich, due to a) there not being a local hobby store, and b) it’s every gamers dream to one day have their own store! We started…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US, Latest Products

New: Sherman Crocodile

Laydown Fire and Brimstone upon your enemies with the new Resin & Plastic Sherman Crocodile for Bolt Action late war American forces. View in Store Inspired by the powerful British Churchill Crocodile and their own experiences in the Pacific with other versions of flamethrower tanks the US army ordered some 100 Sherman Crocodile variants from…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US

LCVP Machine Gun Crew + Flotilla

Out today to lend a little firepower to your invasion fleet are the LCVP Machine Gun Crew, plus single landing craft and even a flotilla! US LCVP Machine Gun Crew (x3 pairs) The .30cal was the mainstay MMG of the war and these fantastic new sculpts from the Warlord Studio wonderfully add an extra bit…