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New: Battle Of The Bulge, a Bolt Action Campaign Supplement

View in Store Despite a spirited defence from the opening hours of the Normandy invasion in June 1944, Hitler’s forces in northern France were comprehensively defeated and forced to retreat westward. Although their position was strengthened considerably following Operation Dragoon – the landing in southern France in August 1944 – the Allies were faced with…

Events, News & Announcements

Events Special: USA News

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Jon Russell and I have the envious task of being the Warlord Games North American Event Commander. What is an Event Commander? I thought you would never ask! I am the point man for contacting, supporting and reporting on as many conventions in North America as I possibly can!…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - US, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Scenario: The Battle for Hürtgen Forest

As the Allied advance continued eastwards towards Germany throughout September 1944, the impetus began to die off. Stretched further and further from the Channel ports and the origins of their fragile supply lines, front line units found the stream of logistical support becoming more broken and less reliable. The Hürtgen Forest lay astride the Belgian–German…