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New: Osprey’s “Black Ops”

Black Ops – Tactical Espionage Wargaming, Osprey Wargames 10 Author: Guy Bowers Illustrator: Johan Egerkrans, Dmitry Burmak Pages: 64 View in Store Black Ops is a skirmish wargame of tactical espionage combat that recreates the tension and excitement of modern action-thrillers such as the Bond and Bourne films. The fast-play rules keep all the players…

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New: Osprey’s “Broken Legions”

Broken Legions – Fantasy Skirmish Wargames in the Roman Empire, Osprey Wargames 15 Author: Mark Latham Illustrator: Alan Lathwell Pages: 64 View in Store The Roman Empire rules the civilised world with an iron fist, seemingly all-powerful and limitless. And yet, the power of Rome is secured not by its mighty legions, but by small…

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New: Osprey’s “Dragon Rampant”

Dragon Rampant – Fantasy wargaming rules, Osprey Wargames 13 Author: Daniel Mersey Illustrator: Craig Spearing, Mark Stacey, RU-MOR 0 Pages: 64 View in Store Whether you’re a nameless Dark Lord looking to conquer the known world, a Champion of Light holding out against the forces of evil or a Northern barbarian facing claimants to a…