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Community, English Civil Wars, Painting & Modelling, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Showcase: Lord Thomas Hawksby’s Pike & Shotte Musketeers

Lord Thomas Hawksby’s regiment is a fictional English Civil War Parliamentarian Infantry Regiment of Pike, Shotte and an attached Company of Firelocks created by the very skilled ‘Mikeland’. Mikeland’s OldEnglandGrownNew blog tells of the daring tales, adventures and characters of his regiment in 28mm miniatures, words, photos and pictures. Here’s just a taste: Where are your old…

Bolt Action, Events

Tournaments: Bolt Action National USA

Hi, Andrew (Ches) Chesney here. Warlord Games has been attending conventions in the USA for many years now. It is with much pride that we can now boast the BOLT ACTION NATIONAL events happening across the United States with the finals being run at Adepticon in Chicago! To celebrate this momentous occasion I have asked…

Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: ChooChoo!

Sarissa Precision have been manically (or should that be mechanical?) turning up the steam in their factory and rolling out their new rail road for 28mm wargamers, this week furnishing us with these great battlefield sets: Now of course you can pic up all the great pieces in the rail collection individually but to make…

Frostgrave, Latest Products

Frost Grave: The Thaw continues!

Will your Warband become strong enough to confront the Lich Lord’s minions, race against his agents to seize possession of mysterious artefacts, and brave the perils of Frostgrave in search of his lair? Vampire and Frost Wraith Even back in its glory days, the city had its problems with vampires. Being undead, these creatures just…

Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Wars of Religion

New: Wars of Religion Pikemen & Arquebusiers

Whether you’re commanding Spanish Conquistadores, English Tudor armies or Christian defenders of Malta, these Pikemen & Arquebusiers stand ready. The 16th Century was a period of conflict and discovery. All across Europe armies were formed to extend Empires and consolidate power. At the forefront was the might of the Spanish Empire which had developed the Tercio as…

Project Z, Showcase

Project Z: The final countdown!

We’re in the last few days before the initial Project Z bundle offer comes to a close this Friday 11th March, we’ve prepared a feast of eye candy to wet your slavering chops on as Warlorder Rich.D frantically wrestles with his video camera and the Zombies advance! To kick things off, we’ve filmed the Motorbike Gang…