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Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules, Terminator

Terminator Genisys Scenario: Test Of Metal

Terminator Genisys The Miniatures Game Official War Against The Machines Scenario By Samuel Nolton TEST OF METAL As the war against Skynet waged on year after year, the Machines implemented new and more innovative Terminator designs. In order to combat the Resistance forces from within, the T-1000 liquid-metal shapeshifter was developed: the ultimate infiltrator. However,…

Bolt Action, Gaming & Collecting

Showcase: Alba Studio

Alba Studio as an entity is quite new, Don Stewart and Tom Howley have been painting miniatures since the mid 1980s separately but in 2015 decided to work together and share their painting experience with the wider world, mainly with the Bolt Action community. Tom: We both met for the first time in 1989 whilst…