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Latest Products, Terminator

Terminator Genisys: Escalate your Battles

View in Store The machines continue their conquest! What few humans survive look to the ruined devastation of once familiar cities to hide or mount counter-offensives against Skynet. Following up from Sam and Owens reports on escalating their games of Terminator Genisys we’ve  put together these fantastic options for you to upgrade your starting set and escalate the…

Background, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Ghar

Beyond The Gates Of Antares: Ghar Military Formations

Ghar Military Formations Ghar military formations are built around units of battle-armoured infantry armed with multi-functional scourer cannons. These troops make up the overwhelming proportion of Ghar forces together with other battle-suited troopers carrying specialised arms of one kind or other. Ghar battle armour is in many ways more like a small vehicle than conventional…