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Tom Mecredy

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Konflikt '47, Resources

Konflikt ’47: Experimental Rules

We’ve got something special for all you Konflikt ’47 fans; the designers at Clockwork Goblin have got some experimental rules for you to try out! Please send any feedback to the Game Designers at Experimental Rule: SUPPRESSIVE FIRE These experimental rules are being trialled as an addition to the shooting rules. If both players…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

Black Powder: Napoleonic French Line Artillery Caisson

Mobilise your artillery batteries with all the paraphernalia of an army on campaign. This brand new caisson will be perfect for your French artillery: Packed with powder and shot, these wheeled carts were part of Napoleon’s artillery train, ferrying supplies to the artillery batteries during battle. Without these caissons and their vital cargo, Napoleon’s guns…

Profiles, SPQR

SPQR Talent Focus: The Horselord

Born in the saddle, the horselord has an almost supernatural bond with their mount, allowing them to accomplish unbelievable feats of horsemanship! These heroes thunder across open plains and blasted deserts, using the additional speed and manoeuvrability provided by their mount to dominate the ancient battlefield. In games of SPQR, horselords run rings around enemy…