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Tom Mecredy

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Korea

The Battle of Inchon

Dive into the history of MacArthur’s Korean War masterstroke with our article on the devastating amphibious landings at Inchon! The Strategic Situation “We shall land at Inchon, and I shall crush them!” – General Douglas MacArthur The North Koreans had forced the remnants of the South Korean Army and the American forces into a tight…

Profiles, SPQR

SPQR Talent Focus: Archer of Legend

This week, we’re continuing our focus on SPQR’s many talent trees. Shoot apples off the heads of slaves or birds on the wing with the archer of legend! Legendary archers come in many shapes and sizes; Roman emperor Domitian, Paris of Troy, the Amazons of Scythia. These keen-eyed killers stalk the battlefield, dealing death from…

Profiles, SPQR

SPQR Talent Focus: The Brawler

Heroes in SPQR have spent years honing their abilities on and off the battlefield. This week, we’re looking at one of the many talent trees in the core book! More at home in dark alleyways and overcrowded taverns then on the battlefield, the Brawler is a seasoned fighter, likely a street urchin or guttersnipe from…

Products, SPQR

Collecting SPQR: Warlorder Charlie C’s Greeks

Warlorder Charlie C’s Greeks have distinguished themselves on the battlefield, clashing against Germanians and Romans, taking massive casualties and still defeating their foes! Get the Warband! View in Store If you’re looking to defend Athens from ferocious Spartans or marauding Thracians, this warband is a fantastic starting point. Charlie has chosen to include a horde…

Products, SPQR

Collecting SPQR: Warlorder Darren’s Macedonians

Warlorder Darren’s Macedonians took the field last week, trouncing Tom’s Iberians into the dirt! Are these Macedonian cavalry unstoppable? Get Your Warband! View in Store This warband is a fantastic starting point for anyone wanting to conquer the known world alongside Alexander and his Macedonians. Darren’s 500 Denarii warband is composed of a mounted hero…

Gaming & Collecting, SPQR

SPQR: Outfitting your Warband

The armouries of the ancient world are packed full of weapons – it’s time to start outfitting your warband for the oncoming storm! The ancient world has many weapons and tools available to warbands. Even a simple spear can greatly improve a warrior’s chances of survival on the battlefield, and a rich Hero can afford…