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Tom Mecredy

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Spotlight: Barrage Balloons in Cruel Seas

This week, we’re looking at a particularly unorthodox method of air defence for Cruel Seas – enter the humble barrage balloon! As airpower grew in strength as the war progressed, the world’s navies used any and all devices to keep strike aircraft away from their shipping, whether large or small, naval or merchantmen. The humble…

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Spotlight: Never Tell Me The Odds

This week, we’ve got another article from Bolt Action maths whiz Rob Cook – he’s been taking a look at playing the odds with anti-tank weapons! The last game I played featured little in the way of substantial anti-tank assets. No big cats for my Germans, no super heavy 17 pounder for my British opponent….

Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Focus: The Bristol Beaufighter

A wave of new aircraft joined RAF squadrons last year, including the magnificent night fighter and maritime strike aircraft – the Bristol Beaufighter. With its armament of four 20mm cannons and six .303 machine guns, delivering 780lbs of ordnance per minute, the Beaufighter was one of the most heavily armed aircraft in the world. Designed…

Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Spotlight: Werfer-Granate 21

Adapted from the Nebelwerfer artillery weapon, the Werfer-Granate 21 was used extensively against Allied bomber formations. The tactics used by US Army Airforce bomber formations proved to be particularly effective against interceptors, maximising the firepower of each aircraft by making sure the defensive machine guns have mutually supporting arcs of fire. This evolved into the…

Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, Gaming & Collecting, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Spotlight: Bronekaters on the Danube

At Budapest, the Danube river swells to a formidable 560m at its widest point, a mighty obstacle for the rampaging Russians. While several bridges spanned the Danube in multiple places, Soviet forces often found themselves needing to rapidly ford the river. Budapest was once two cities, divided by the mighty Danube river. Pest, on the…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Fortress Budapest, Gaming & Collecting, Tactics

Combat Focus: Panther vs T-34-85

Big cats stalk the streets of Budapest. The German Panther is a formidable foe for the more numerous, up-gunned T-34-85.   Vital Statistics Panther Ausf A, D and G T-34-85 Cost: 284pts (Inexperienced), 355pts (Regular), 426pts (Veteran)  188pts (Inexperienced), 235pts (Regular), 282pts (Veteran) Weapons: 1 turret-mounted super heavy anti-tank gun with co-axial MMG and 1…