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Tom Mecredy

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Latest News, Webstore

Demobilisation! Wave 1

Our huge range of miniatures needs a bit of a spring clean – it’s time to pull some things back from the front line for some R&R. It’s time for demobilisation! Last Chance to Buy! Over the last ten years eleven years, we’ve added a huge number of miniatures to our range – covering a massive swathe…

Gaming & Collecting, Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte

Spotlight: Italian Wars Swiss Mercenaries

Following our look at the flamboyant Landsknechts last week, today we’re uncovering the secrets of the soberer Swiss mercenaries that were the German’s arch-rivals. The Swiss Reisläufer (one who goes to war), were renowned for their service in foreign armies during the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, particularly for their mastery of early pike tactics and exceptional discipline….

Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Frontline Report: Jagdgeschwader 54

Armed with the exceptional Fw-190A, Jagdgeschwader 54 swept the skies of Soviet aircraft during Barbarossa and fought till the bitter end in defence of the Reich. Jagdgeschwader 54 (JG 54) began its illustrious career flying Bf109s over Poland and France, operating in support of bomber formations, conducting long-range fighter sweeps to establish air superiority over…

Cruel Seas, Profiles

Spotlight: Roberts-class Monitors

What happens if you’ve got a few 15″ battleship guns laying around? Build a monitor, of course! This week, we’re looking at the career of the Roberts-class monitor.  The term “Monitor” dates back to the 19th century and refers to a class of ship which is neither fast nor heavily armoured but carries disproportionally large…