All posts by

Tom Mecredy

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Cruel Seas, Resources

Announcement: Downloadable Wake Markers

A FREE PDF download of your wake markers to complete your Wargames Illustrated cover mounted ships, plus an announcement for those purchasing Cruel Seas from their local retailer. Free Ships & Wake Markers If you’ve got your cover mount from last month’s Wargames Illustrated ready to take to the high seas, you’ll definitely need to download…

Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Frontline Report: Erprobungsgruppe 210

The Bf110 is now available to pre-order for Blood Red Skies. This week, we’re looking at one of the first squadrons to test them in their ground-attack role – Erprobungsgruppe 210! The Erprobungsgruppe (Literally translated as Test Wing) was a small administrative unit created to test experimental aircraft or tactics. Erprobungsgruppe 210 (Erpro 210) was…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Finnish, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Frontline Report: The Winter War

With winter closing in around us here in Nottingham, we’re casting our eyes eastward to the frozen forests of Finland and the bitter struggle of the Winter War 1939! In three short months, the Soviet army suffered over 300,000 casualties. This appalling statistic neatly illustrates the brutality of the Winter War and highlights the numerous…