All posts by

Tom Mecredy

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Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Spotlight: Crossing the Berezina

At the end of last month, we explored Napoleon’s disastrous Russian campaign. This week, we’re looking at a particularly grim episode from the retreat – the battle at Berezina. The Road to Berezina After wasting five precious weeks in the smouldering ruins of Moscow, Napoleon’s army finally turned southward. After capturing Russia’s spiritual capital, the…


Event: Cruel Seas Casts Off!

We’re celebrating the release of Cruel Seas with a fantastic launch event in our HQ store! You’ll be able to meet the studio team and play some games! Free to Attend! 8th December 2018 @ Warlord Games HQ Store Our HQ store will be open from 11 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, 8th December….