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Tom Mecredy

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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Sarissa Precision, Uniforms & History

Spotlight: Maison Forte MF10

Our pals at Sarissa Precision have created yet another superb centrepiece for your early war Bolt Action battlefields! Presenting Maison Forte MF10! Sarissa has created this outstanding MDF building, based on the design of a real Maginot line blockhouse. The Montmedy sector of the Maginot line covered the 60km frontage between Sedan and Longuyon. As it…

Blood Red Skies, Profiles

Spotlight: Flak over France

This week, we’re taking off into the skies over France to take a look at how air power altered the course of the battle! The War in the Air The battle began on 10th May 1940, when the German Panzers gunned their engines and swept over the frontier into Belgium and the Netherlands. While columns…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Gaming & Collecting

Frontline Report: Death in the Desert!

Warlorders Tom and Rich managed to sneak away and play a quick game of Bolt Action this week. They’re trying out one of the scenarios from the new Western Desert book, using some of our beautiful 8th Army and DAK plastics from the HQ store’s extensive collection. The spent casing jetted back over the gun carriage, spewing…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Belgian, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started

Spotlight: Using Bolt Action Command Blisters

Here in the Web Room, we’ve been assembling our forces for the upcoming Battle of France release. While busily working away (read: procrastinating – Ed.), we were discussing how best to use the fantastic command blisters to supplement a growing army. During our conversation, it occurred to us that we’ve never explained how versatile these packs…