Explore a new theatre of operations on the eastern front with a brand campaign book for Bolt Action – join us as we explore the ruins of Stalingrad!
This campaign book seeks to help wargamers recreate the incredible struggles between the German Wehrmacht and the Soviet Red Army for control of the region between the Don and Volga rivers – ultimately centring on the city of Stalingrad.
This six-month-long battle saw some of the fiercest fighting of the war, with each side losing hundreds of thousands of men and culminating in the encirclement and eventual destruction of the German Sixth Army.
While this book provides a historical overview of the Stalingrad campaign, its primary purpose is to provide new scenarios, rules, and inspiration to help wargamers bring this bitter struggle to life on the tabletop.
This book covers the southern region of the Ostfront from August 1942 to February 1943 including:
- The opposed crossing of the Don River
- The dash to the Volga river by German mobile divisions
- Soviet counter-attacks against the German cordon of Stalingrad
- The fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad
- Operation Uranus and the subsequent encirclement of the German Sixth Army
- Operation Winter Tempest: Manstein’s attempt to break the encirclement of the Sixth Army
- The final destruction of the Sixth Army
Stalingrad Battle Sets
To go alongside this fantastic new campaign book, we’ve got an amazing battle set to complete your collection – these sets are crammed with miniatures and exclusive MDF terrain produced by our friends at Sarissa Precision. The Stalingrad battle set and the Enemy at the Gates Collector’s Edition are both available to pre-order THIS MONDAY!
The Stalingrad battle set contains:
- Ruined MDF factory
- Barmaley Fountain
- 5 resin craters/shellholes
- 3 resin barricades/rubble
- 3m of barbed wire
- Sd.Kfz 139 Marder III
- T34/76
- Soviet Sniper team
- 56 plastic Soviet infantry
- 42 plastic German Army infantry
The Enemy at the Gates Collectors Editon contains everything in the basic battle set plus the following:
- MDF Factory office building
- 2x sandbag emplacement
- 1 Panzer IV Ausf D
- 1 KV-1/KV-2
- Soviet HQ (2 officers, 1 medic and 1 spotter)
- Soviet MMG team
- Soviet medium mortar team
- German Army HQ (2 officers, 1 medic and 1 spotter)
- German sniper team
- German medium mortar team
- German MMG team
- 56 plastic Soviet infantry
- 42 plastic German Army infantry