Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Comment Peindre un Citoyen, Or: How to Paint French Line Infantry – by Laurens Vannijvel

Introduction Napoleon needed infantry in droves. Far less glamorous than the cavalry, less respected still than the artillery, the massed battalions of infantry were in fact Napoleon’s battle-winning weapons. As a result, budding collectors of the French will need them by the bucketload, and over the course of this tutorial I’ll be teaching you some…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

Black Powder: Napoleonic Cannon

We recently followed our esteemed leader on his tour of Waterloo for the 200th anniversary (See previous article) a Wargamers Paradise! Here is our fearless commander in the enemy camp checking out the French Ambulance (probably on the prowl for French nurses…). Great inspiration for our fantastic Baron Larrey and his Flying Ambulance View in…