Bolt Action - British

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part I – Prelude to War!

Welcome to the Bolt Action Staging Grounds! – Grab a mess-tin and take a knee. After the success of our Pacific campaign, the Warlord staff gamers are back and they’ve brought a few friends along for the ride. This time, it’s war – with a sidedish brimming with big dirty, tread-based hardcore tank action. In…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Tank War, Bolt Action - US, Uniforms & History

Armour in Focus : The M4 Sherman – Workhorse of the Allied forces

Throughout World War II, the Allied forces leaned heavily upon armoured units to provide an unwavering backbone to their forces which – when backed by the infantry, air forces, naval prowess, and artillery – would stand firm in the face of the Axis threat. At the front and centre stood the M4 Sherman. Created in…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Chindits, Latest Products

New: British Carrier Section plastic boxed set

One of the enduring images of the British (and other forces of His Majesty’s Commonwealth) are the brave lads being carried hell for leather in their Universal Carriers. We’re delighted to be able to release a brand new plastic carrier in this 3-vehicle boxed set complete with 15 plastic British infantrymen. The new plastic carrier…