Bolt Action - German

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

New: Gebirgsjager

The Elite light infantary, mountain troops known as Gebirgsjäger, climb into view today ready to descend on your enemies where they least expect: View in Store Specialist training bred hardened fighters and the Gebirgsjäger (mountain infantry) were regarded as elite alongside Fallschirmjager. Gebirgsjäger originated from the Alpenkorps of WWI, where they were used to defend…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

New: Winter Germans

The full fury of winter descends on to your Bolt Action battlefields as the extreme weather theme spreads throughout the German range… German Panzerschreck, Flamethrower,& Sniper Teams (Winter) These 3 teams can be added to any force to give you flexibility in defence or attack! View in Store German 80mm Medium Mortar (Winter) The Standard…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Showcase

Ostfront – The Germans

With the new Armies of Germany book Second Edition about to arrive in gaming shops and battlefields across the world, it’s a good time to look at an accompanying Bolt Action Theatre Book – Ostfront, allowing the many budding German commanders out there access to a whole heap of excellent options…   View in Store One of the iconic vehicles of…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Showcase

Showcase: Andy Singletons German Armour

Following his great SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne paint-job from a little while back, forum-goer VolleyFireAndy posted his fantastic collection of German tanks and other vehicles. Head over to the Warlord Forum to show your appreciation or display your own models! Without a doubt, Andy is ready for Tank War why not grab this supplement for Bolt Action and make sure you…