Bolt Action - German

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Ostfront, Bolt Action - Soviet, Firefight!, Gaming & Collecting

Bolt Action: The Academy of Street Fighting!

With frost covering the ground at Warlord HQ, we’re looking eastward to the embattled city of Stalingrad, which became the proving ground for many street fighting tactics!   As part of our Christmas extravaganza, we’ve put together a few free downloads – this one picks its way through the bombed-out ruins of Stalingrad, with an…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Products

Bolt Action: Waffen-SS SG-6 Trippelwagen

The SG-6 Trippelwagen was an unusual all-terrain amphibious car, adapted for German military use as a reconnaissance vehicle. Hans Trippel designed the all-terrain four-wheeled drive amphibious car in 1935. His technique was to fit car mechanics into a boat hull rather than try to waterproof a car chassis. He set up a factory in Hamburg…