Bolt Action - German

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

New: SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne

Out today is our SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne metal boxed set – Frenchmen who volunteered to fight for Germany against the Bolshevik Soviets. The Second World War saw many confusing contradictions as politics and ideals clashed in epic campaigns that were once thought inconceivable. One such oddity was the Charlemagne division, the 33. SS-Grenadier Division which fought…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Bolt Action - US, Uniforms & History

History: Fall of the Third Reich

By 1945 the German Army was a beaten force. It could not surrender, damned by Hitler’s orders to fight to the last man and the Allies’ demand for an unconditional surrender that the Nazi Party could not accept. The war ground on as the Russian armies approached from the east, targeting Berlin itself, and the western Allies fought through the…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides, Videos

Video: Painting Fallschirmjäger

Following her excellent tutorial on painting a US Airborne figure, Christy Beall, from the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Youtube channel, has now turned her hand to Bolt Action German Fallschirmjäger and specifically the Splittermuster camo pattern.   Christy also gives rave reviews here for the German Army Grenadier 1944-45 book lavishly illustrated by Stephen Andrew – we…