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Platoon Guide: M4 Sherman Medium Tank

History The mainstay of the Allied armies, the Sherman was one of the most versatile tanks during the war, from the fields of Europe to the jungles of the Pacific. The M4 Sherman was produced by the thousand in the automotive factories of Detroit, and became a platform for countless variants as the way developed…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Tank War, Bolt Action - US, Uniforms & History

Armour in Focus : The M4 Sherman – Workhorse of the Allied forces

Throughout World War II, the Allied forces leaned heavily upon armoured units to provide an unwavering backbone to their forces which – when backed by the infantry, air forces, naval prowess, and artillery – would stand firm in the face of the Axis threat. At the front and centre stood the M4 Sherman. Created in…

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Special Edition: Dick Winters on sale this week!

Later this week the premier US wargames show opens it’s doors! Historicon also celebrates it’s 30th anniversary this year and we’re delighted to have been asked to help commemorate the event by designing the show’s special miniature. Buy in Store The theme of this year’s Historicon is Big Wars, Little Soldiers – World Wars throughout time…