Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Korea

766th Independent Regiment KPA

Formed in 1948 with the purpose to specialise in commando and amphibious actions, the 1st Platoon, 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion 766th Independent Regiment of the KPA led the attack on South Korea. Article sent in by Steven Smith 766th Independent Regiment KPA Initially, the Unit formed as a single Battalion and quickly grew to a…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Battleground Europe, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - D-Day Overlord

Spotlight: Vehicles of the 7th Armoured Desert Rats

The 7th Armoured Division, nicknamed ‘The Desert Rats’, found fame in their North African campaign, but they also played a vital role in the D-Day landings. “Dear Desert Rats! May your glory ever shine! May your laurels never fade! May the memory of this glorious pilgrimage of war which you have made from Alamein, via…