Bolt Action
Preview: Collecting Armies for the Pacific Theatre
The Pacific war was a desperate and bloody part of the global conflict of WWII. From Guadalcanal through to Okinawa and the attack on the Japanese mainland, many different forces fought on both sides. In Bolt Action you are able to create a force based around one of the many theatre lists provided in the…
Work in Progress: Panzers!
Those of you frequenting the Warlord Games Facebook page will have seen loads of previews of sculpts for upcoming releases. For those of you not signed up (lightweights!) you can see a couple of them below… Panzer III Ausf M (and L!) A hefty conversion of our Pz III Ausf. J the M adds up-armoured…
Showcase: US Army Willys Jeep
The famous jeep that was the workhorse of all the allied armies. Found in pretty much every theatre of war in many and varied roles it has been suggested that it was a weapon that won the war. A pintle mounted 30 cal or 50 cal, adds some punch to this highly manoeuvrable four wheel…