Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Fortress Budapest, Latest Products

New: Hungarian Parachute Assault Section

Showing their infallible combat spirit, these Hungarian Parachute Assault troops held the line to the last man. View in Store The 1st Hungarian Parachute Battalion was formed in 1940 with transportation provided by the national airline Mágyar Légiforgalmi R.t. They saw their first combat experience against Yugoslavia in 1941 where they captured the Franz Josef…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Italian, Painting & Modelling

Community Showcase: Johnathan Gallar’s Bersaglieri

With our focus on the second wave of Western Desert releases, we were very excited to see these beautiful Bersaglieri from Johnathan Gallar! Johnathan’s Bersaglieri are assembling to defend occupied Libya from the fast-moving Commonwealth mechanised forces during Operation Compass. They might be part of the ill-fated Babini Group, or one of the many other…