Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Finnish, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Frontline Report: The Winter War

With winter closing in around us here in Nottingham, we’re casting our eyes eastward to the frozen forests of Finland and the bitter struggle of the Winter War 1939! In three short months, the Soviet army suffered over 300,000 casualties. This appalling statistic neatly illustrates the brutality of the Winter War and highlights the numerous…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

Gallery: Bolt Action Blitzkrieg German Range

The German army (the ‘Heer’) utilised revolutionary Blitzkrieg tactics and equipment to conquer huge swathes of Europe during the Early War period. Check out a portion of German Blitzkrieg range here: Blitzkrieg German HQ (1939-42)   View in Store Blitzkrieg German MG34 MMG team (1939-42)   View in Store Blitzkrieg German Medium Mortar Team (1939-42)…