Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US, Latest Products

New: US Infantry WWII American Gis

One of our most popular plastic troop sets for Bolt action, the WWII American Gis, has received a long-awaited facelift. New dynamic poses, better-defined kit, and perhaps most importantly… a Bazooka! View in Store This box gives you a platoon of tough, well-trained troops with enough firepower to successfully perform almost any task given to them. American…

Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: Flak Bunker – Plastic terrain

With much of mainland Europe under the heel of the German jackboot, the German Wehrmacht built almost impregnable defences such as the famous Atlantic Wall Flak Bunker… View in Store This Flak Bunker is based on the R677 bunker template with dual purpose anti-tank and anti-aircraft capability. Commonly house either 7.5cm anti-tank guns and light…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

Flak 37 8.8cm

Warlords plastic Flak 37 8.8cm levels its sights on your army! View in Store Originally developed as an anti-aircraft weapon, the Flak 37 8.8cm (or Eighty-eight as it became known by Allied troops) had a high muzzle velocity to allow it to reach the higher ranges modern bombers were capable of at the time. This would…

Bolt Action, Community

Bolt Action: Attacking the Gun Line

Chris Brown chats about enemy troops attacking field artillery and how that transitions into Bolt Action. Mostly when we see war photos of artillery batteries it is obvious that the battery is a long way from the enemy. In WW2 British field artillery units of 25 pounders were sometimes called ‘the nine-mile snipers’ which tells…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Bolt Action: Winter Assault

Kalon gives a teeth-chattering winter Bolt action scenario for you to bite on! Description After a particularly bitter winter of fighting, the Soviets are close to recapturing the last German-held trench works and as such push them back before the winter months got too inhospitable to continue the fighting, this would have been a huge…