Bolt Action

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Black Powder, Blood Red Skies, Bolt Action, Hail Caesar, Konflikt '47, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Products, terrain

New: Deep Cut Wargames terrain mats

Get your models ready as they scour the globe and all types of battlefields with our new selection of detailed mats from Deep Cut Wargames! All these mats have a mousepad underlying which means they have these features: Made from synthetic cloth with a 2mm thick rubber foam backing. The paint is soaked into the…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Bolt Action – AAR: Campaign Road To Victory Game 4

The fourth game in our Bolt Action campaign saw the Soviets rolling into the outskirts of a city in eastern Europe. The war has moved from Russia and into Europe itself. As the Soviets advance, the Germans desperately throw resources into slowing the Red Tide. Soviet Task Force: 1st Lt. Pavlov (Veteran) Guards Squad (Veteran)…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Polish, Latest Products

New: Polish Army + Polish 10th Motorized Brigade Forces

The Polish have bolstered their defences against the approaching Blitzkrieg with new units! Polish 10th Motorized Brigade motorcycle combination View in Store The Polish 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade was called the Black Brigade because of the black leather jackets worn by officers and NCOs. It was the only fully motorised infantry unit available to the…