Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Focus

Focus: Plastic Anti-tank Obstacles

This superb plastic terrain set contains a variety of tank traps as well as barbed wire barriers, adding a realistic look to your Bolt Action battlefields: View in Store The development of fast-moving reliable tanks led to many ideas of how to slow or destroy them. Large shaped blocks of concrete, strengthened with a steel core, often…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Battleground Europe, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Uniforms & History

Historical Account: Villers-Bocage

This battle is perhaps most well known due to the extraordinary actions of a famous German tank commander, Michael Wittmann. In the span of 15 minutes his unit would be responsible for destroying over 13 tanks, two anti-tank guns and over a dozen transport vehicles – with most of these kills going to Wittmann himself. However, the battle had greater implications,…